The Elusive Qwest for World Class Maintenance
The Elusive Qwest for World Class Maintenance
The Elusive Qwest for World Class Maintenance - ‘Seat of the Pants’ Maintenance Isn’t Good Enough - A major deficiency of too many mining operations and the explanation of most maintenance problems is no program. As a result, maintenance personnel who are to carry it out or support it (like purchasing, warehousing and operations) are confused and uncertain about how to help. Mine managers are frustrated and impatient, expecting that maintenance should, by now, know what they are supposed to do and how. Too many assumptions have been made starting with the mine manager who should have said, "I want a logical, well-defined program about maintenance that fits our operating plan and I want all mine personnel to understand it, support it and make it work." To those mining operations and their maintenance departments who insist they know what to do, have them prove it with a well-documented program. Many can’t.

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