Hexagon Mining Safety Brochure
Hexagon Mining Safety Brochure
The development and application of systems that can protect drivers and operators from collisions in busy surface mines, particularly where large haul trucks are interacting with smaller personnel vehicles, has been a major industry focus in recent years. Companies committed to safer surface mining turn to SAFEmine, the leader in Collision Avoidance and Fatigue Monitoring systems, delivering extensible solutions that save lives. Currently protecting more than 20,000 vehicles in over 50 mines worldwide, SAFEmine provides a complete range of advanced traffic safety solutions for surface mining and sets the benchmark for Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS). SAFEmine offers an array of products and services that include CAS, real-time full-fleet tracking, fatigue monitoring, systems to protect clean up equipment around heavy rotating machines, and sophisticated displays that integrate vital safety information intuitively in cabins. • 360° protection at any speed or visibility • Best proven and reliable Collision Avoidance System in surface mining • Upgradeable and customizable to mine’s requirements • Cost effective, can reduce downtime and improve SAFETY SAFEmine CAS LIVE REPORTING Track TrackingRadar ShovelAssist Reduce collision risks SafetyCentre FATIGUE MONITORING FatigueMonitor COLLISION AVOIDANCE Increase productivity Global Support productivity

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