Expanding a Shipping Terminal and Pier
Expanding a Shipping Terminal and Pier

The expansion of the Canpotex Marine Terminal 5 in Portland, Oregon, enlarged the facility’s capacity to process and ship white potash to overseas markets. Initially, a membrane solution was specified to protect the concrete piers, tunnel and building foundations. However, the project owners opted for an integral solution, thanks, in part, to many contractors who said they saved time and reduced construction costs when switching from a traditional surface applied waterproofing to a Penetron crystalline solution for projects located in a marine environment. Penetron worked with Cal Portland to design an optimal concrete mix that met the demands of the marine environment. PENETRON ADMIX was used to waterproof all new concrete. PENETRON slurry and PENECRETE MORTAR were applied to the tie holes and to patch previous honeycombing and defects.


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