Controlling Costs in Mining Operations
Mining is an expensive business. The costs of equipment,
fuel, payroll and maintenance add up quickly, and every dime
spent detracts from the mine’s profits. You want to get the
most out of your mining operation, so it’s in your best interest
to make sure all aspects of your operation are performing as
cost-effectively as possible.
Caterpillar understands this challenge, and we have the
expertise and technology to help you meet it. We asked our
customers to identify their biggest sources of increased costs,
and many of them gave us the same five answers: process
variability, unscheduled repairs, fuel costs, collisions and
shift change.
In this paper, we’ve gathered brief explanations of each of
these challenges and offered our advice on how you can
measure and respond to them. In addition, we’ve included
information on how Cat® technologies can help you get the
lowest possible cost per ton from your mining operation.