Productivity & Cost Control Case Study TITAN® Technology Trial
Productivity & Cost Control Case Study TITAN® Technology Trial
Wyoming surface coal mine determined the time to start planning for future mine progression was before the long term mine plan took them closer to public county road located adjacent to their permit boundary. The mine used a 40/60 HANFO augured blend with good results but sporadic post blast fumes. The mine struggled with past results when introducing new technology that didn’t deliver as promised. Possible post-blast fumes as the mine advanced closer to the county roads was an area of concern with the chance of fumes travelling in this direction and sometime creating a blast delay. The goal of reducing post blast fumes has been part of blasting focused continuous improvement projects in the past but renewed focus has made this a higher priority. Most technology advances occur when the right people with the right need place value in trying technology with hope that a better blasting practice will result.

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