DIFFERENTIAL ENERGY™ in Surface Gold Mining
DIFFERENTIAL ENERGY™ in Surface Gold Mining
Dyno Nobel’s Titan ∆E 1000 was trialed over a period of four (4) months at AngloGold Ashanti's Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining Co. (CC&V) in Cripple Creek, Colorado. Performance of the Titan ∆E 1000 product was measured against typically loaded production blasts of similar size, in similar geology. Blast designs (drill pattern and blast hole sequence) for the performance and baseline blasts were not altered during the trial, and all blasts, except for one, were initiated using Dyno Nobel’s DigiShot® Plus electronic initiation system. Measured results confirmed that significant value in productivity, cost and blast performance were delivered. The mine reduced its overall powder factor by 18%, realized an 8% increase in shovel productivity in both waste and ore, and in the case of ore, experienced no reduction in crusher throughput. Additionally, they completely eliminated visible NOx after blast fumes in even the wettest areas of the pit.

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