Fuel Reduction Via Operator Training
Fuel Reduction Via Operator Training
Cipta Kridatama Talent Development Manager, Gemilang Adi Perdana, said “with commodity prices going down, like many sites, we are looking at ways to cut costs and fuel consumption was identified as problem area. We were over budget by nearly 10,000 liters per month at one site and identified the contributors affecting fuel consumption. Operator skill level was the focus of the fuel efficiency efforts,” Perdana said. Fuel records for 30 haul truck operators were collected over a one month period and 18 of the 30 were over the budgeted liters per hour consumption. All operators were assessed using an Immersive Technologies, Advanced Equipment Simulator to establish a baseline, simulation based training then occurred followed by a reassessment. Once operators passed the reassessment they were put back in the field. After one month operators were assessed again to confirm retention of the new haul truck operating techniques.

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