Xylem Rental Solutions
Xylem Rental Solutions
As the global leader in engineered water technology projects, Xylem Rental Solutions can help you solve even the most complex water challenges. Whether you need fast-track temporary emergency response or reliable long-term operation, we design, build, and manage scalable turnkey systems that provide greater efficiency, reliability, and peace of mind.

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Gold and Silver Recovery—Carbon Adsorption Training
Founded in 1983, Performance Associates International (PAI) is the worldwide leader in mine and plant industrial training. Our custom interactive modules have improved start-up success and operations for hundreds of clients on nearly every continent. In this training module, we cover how activated carbon is used to concentrate gold and silver from pregnant leach solution. The concentrating process is based on the concept of adsorption, in which complex gold, silver, and (if present) mercury molecules are adsorbed—or adhered—onto small, millimeter sized particles of activated carbon. The adsorption process is carried out at atmospheric temperature and pressure. During the process, the metals migrate from a cyanide leach solution to the surfaces of carbon pores. In addition to the animation, this module includes an animated process flowsheet, process variable target ranges and control methods, as well as alarm response procedures. This module covers one area of a gold ore processing plant. In a typical plant of this type, there would be another 4 to 8 modules that would cover the other plant areas with each module containing the same type of training materials, but specific to that plant area. In the training environment, some concepts are difficult to explain using still 2-D or even 3-D images. When this is the case, we develop animations and/or simulations in order to ensure better transfer of knowledge to our trainees.
Performance Associates International Assists Torex Gold With Start-Up Success
Far too often, natural resource companies start up new plants without a properly trained operations and maintenance team. The results can be disastrous for both safety and revenue. Obviously the ultimate objective is a plant that operates in a safe and profitable manner. In most cases, the pre-start-up safety training is satisfactory, resulting in few if any accidents during start-up and ongoing operations. However, many plants drop the ball when it comes to properly training operations and maintenance personnel. The payback on a properly executed training program far outweighs the cost. If you are going to budget for high-quality engineering, efficient procurement, and experienced and proven construction management (including commissioning), why leave training open to chance? Performance Associates International (PAI) developed an extensive operations and maintenance training program for Torex Gold’s El Limón-Guajes project in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. In 2015, PAI industry training specialists traveled to the project site to carry out the training for Torex Gold employees in anticipation of plant start-up and gold production. The venture was a “massive success,” according to Nelson Bodnarchuk, Director, Operational Systems. This video tells the story of that success, including generous feedback from the executive officers at Torex recognizing our role in the partnership.
Performance Associates International (PAI) y Torex Gold colaboran para una puesta en marcha exitosa
Con demasiada frecuencia, las compañías de recursos naturales ponen en marcha plantas nuevas sin contar con un equipo de operaciones y mantenimiento debidamente capacitado. El resultado puede ser desastroso tanto en términos de seguridad como de ingresos. Obviamente el objetivo fundamental es una planta que funciona de forma segura y rentable. En la mayoría de los casos, la capacitación sobre seguridad que se da antes del arranque de la planta es satisfactoria, resultando en pocos accidentes (o ninguno) durante la puesta en marcha y operaciones subsecuentes. Sin embargo, muchas plantas son negligentes cuando se trata de la buena capacitación de su personal de operaciones y mantenimiento. Un programa de capacitación bien ejecutado compensa con creces los costos de ejecución del mismo. Si se va a presupuestar una ingeniería de alta calidad, un proceso de adquisición eficiente y una gestión de construcción experimentada y comprobada (incluyendo el comisionamiento), ¿por qué dejar a la suerte la capacitación? Performance Associates International (PAI) desarrolló un programa de capacitación por computadora comprensivo, el cual abarca operaciones y mantenimiento, para su planta de oro El Limón-Guajes en el estado de Guerrero, México. En el 2015, los especialistas de capacitación industrial de PAI viajaron al lugar del proyecto para entrenar a los empleados de Torex Gold en anticipación de la puesta de marcha de la planta y la producción de oro. El emprendimiento fue un “éxito masivo,” según Nelson Bodnarchuk, Director, Sistemas Operacionales. Este video cuenta la historia de ese éxito, incluyendo comentarios generosos de los oficiales ejecutivos de Torex, quienes reconocen nuestro papel en la colaboración.
Why Simulation?
Simulation based operator training has been successfully applied to a range of diverse industries where high risk and high costs are everyday issues requiring smart solutions. Whether piloting a plane or launching a space shuttle, simulation training has been proven to dramatically reduce risk, cost, unscheduled maintenance, increase trainer effectiveness and efficiency while maximizing productivity. Within the often hazardous mining industry, simulation training has quickly gained recognition as a significant method of increasing site safety and profitability through improved operator skill and knowledge. Simulators provide operators a safe environment to learn and practice their skills while allowing the operator to practice for a range of possible emergency situations. Many of these situations are too dangerous, too difficult or too expensive to test in an actual mine. Operators can also be shown and assessed for the proper operating technique much more quickly and accurately than the traditional in machine approach. Focus on improving operator technique with Immersive Technologies’ simulators has delivered proven results including longer tire life, reduced spot time, reduced brake abuse, improvements in fuel use, reduction in engine overspeeds and more. Simulator training allows operators to be shown and assessed without the need to borrow machines from production. This allows new operators to practice many skills before being placed into a production circuit. Because operators are consistently shown and assessed on the proper operator techniques they have a better understanding and knowledge of the real machine. Following Immersive Technologies release of the world’s first mining dump truck simulator in 1998, their customer results, support network, machine range, global mining footprint, level of realism and OEM endorsements are without equal in the industry. Highlighting the benefits of simulation training, four leading Original Equipment Manufacturers, Caterpillar, Hitachi, Komatsu and Liebherr have chosen to exclusively sign technical information licensing agreements with Immersive Technologies, providing access to proprietary technical information necessary to accurately replicate the operation of their mining equipment. After significant supplier evaluation each major OEM has chosen to exclusively recommend Immersive Technologies' Advanced Equipment Simulators. This unprecedented support and commitment from the OEM's has helped to firmly entrench Immersive Technologies' Simulator technology as the industry leader. This provides customers the comfort of knowing they are investing wisely in a proven and accepted technology that is here to stay. As the world’s largest supplier of mining equipment simulators, Immersive Technologies’ has a customer base that includes many of the world’s leading mining operations, mining contractors, training schools and original equipment manufacturers. Widely recognized as the global industry standard, Immersive Technologies’ has extensive experience in delivering complete training solutions to the mining industry with measurable safety and business improvement outcomes. Immersive Technologies has worked closely with thousands of mining training professionals, managers, and executives to deliver comprehensive solutions that have been proven to improve safety and mine profitability.
Making Equipment Replacement Decisions
Competition among industries has become globally oriented. Thus, every industry will be examining how they can become more profitable. Increasing the productivity of equipment will be among the logical steps. In turn, older, less productive equipment will be replaced. Modern production equipment will be expensive as well as more complex. Thus, as new capital outlays are considered, there must be more careful consideration than ever before. The singular economic approach to replacing equipment involving primarily accounting personnel must give way to a company team approach. To assure that the best equipment for the job at the best price is purchased, economic as well as performance considerations must be weighed. Maintenance is especially sensitive to this requirement since the new equipment is likely to have many new technological advances that will make it more difficult to maintain. Thus, new maintenance techniques must be introduced and maintenance personnel must be properly trained in applying these techniques. Therefore, plant managers should provide policies that ensure each department recommends features of the new equipment that impact performance and maintenance. Although decisions must embrace performance and maintenance, acquisition cost and long term capital expenses remain an important ingredient. Then, as team decisions are made, there will be better assurance that the right choices are made and that the equipment will effectively support the productivity and profitability requirements of the future
MacLean Innovation Report 2018 - Changing the face of the mining industry
MacLean Engineering
Sometimes a turning point can only be seen clearly in hindsight. Such is the case for the mine of the future as we begin 2018, coming out of a 2017 where major mining companies continued to demonstrate capital spending austerity and focus on debt reduction. All the while, there were growing signals that digitalization, electrification and automation were all gaining momentum, even though actual examples of minesite implementations could as of yet, still be counted on one hand. MacLean took the opportunity that industry downturn presented over the past several years to focus intensely on three key product development ventures – first and foremost, the battery electrification of our entire fleet, which will be complete by the end of 2018; second, the successful introduction of face bolting as a feature on our 975 Omnia bolter; and, third, the launch of the latest addition to our utility vehicle product line – the LR3 Boom Lift for heavy load and high reach applications. The past year was one where for the first time we had a fleet of battery electric vehicles working underground, allowing us the ability to validate our performance and total cost of ownership (TCO) models with real-world data, while at the same time continuing to build out our EV offer across the product lines. Looking forward, as we work hard to fully electrify our fleet of ground support, ore flow/secondary reduction, and utility vehicles, we’re keenly aware that electrification is but one step in the ongoing mechanization of underground mining, a transition to the mine of the future that will be increasingly efficient through digitalization and automation that will increase production and reduce costs.
Is Your Jobsite a Wasteland? Check Out These 3.5 Ways to Reduce Waste and Costs
Command Alkon
                  No, I’m not talking about piles of leftover debris or even the kind of “trashy” look that’s common on construction sites. While neatness is nice, especially on a highly visible site, the waste I’m referring to is all those insidious, sometimes hidden, wastes that may not look messy but can make a real mess of budget forecasts and construction schedules.Jobsite waste – and the losses it creates – is a serious problem throughout the HBM industry. In fact, according to a 2016 McKinsey study, “Large projects across asset classes typically take 20 percent longer to finish than scheduled and are up to 80 percent over budget.”Most budget overruns are not the result of leftovers or throwaways. Most are a result of squandering 1) time, 2) motion, and/or 3) accuracy. Eliminating waste is an ongoing challenge, but these best practices can help you recognize – and correct – this resource-draining scourge:1) TIME. Wasting time is probably the most common and costly jobsite activity, especially since it’s virtually always unintentional and unobtrusive. What’s the best way to spot it? Recognize that all wait time is wasted time. Any person, place or thing that sits idle or is not ready when needed is generating waste.When workers wait on instructions or tools or equipment or approval or inspection, their time is being wasted. When tools, parts or equipment are unavailable or inoperable, time is being wasted. When one process or procedure is stalled waiting for another to be completed, valuable time is being wasted.Wasted time typically results from inadequate planning, communication or resource allocation, so invest in these timesaving preventive measures instead:1) TIME. Wasting time is probably the most common and costly jobsite activity, especially since it’s virtually always unintentional and unobtrusive. What’s the best way to spot it? Recognize that all wait time is wasted time. Any person, place or thing that sits idle or is not ready when needed is generating waste.When workers wait on instructions or tools or equipment or approval or inspection, their time is being wasted. When tools, parts or equipment are unavailable or inoperable, time is being wasted. When one process or procedure is stalled waiting for another to be completed, valuable time is being wasted.Wasted time typically results from inadequate planning, communication or resource allocation, so invest in these timesaving preventive measures instead:Begin with informed planning that includes all pertinent people. Early integration and transparent information sharing improve efficiency at every operational stage.Forecast construction schedules, budgets and requirements so that you can realistically anticipate tools, materials and labor.Create and communicate contingency plans so that the entire crew stays up to date and in sync.Use technology to communicate.  Radios, mobile phones, tablets and other digital tools speed communication and improve clarity. 2) MOTION. Going back to the truck to grab another tool, hunting down a colleague for collaboration, moving critical materials or machinery from its current location to where it’s needed, dispatching and transporting workers, even unloading deliveries and distributing parts are all costly operations that reduce productivity. Any unnecessary or unplanned movement of people, equipment, tools or materials wastes valuable time and energy.To minimize wasted motion, use efficient workplace procedures and productivity-enhancing devices:Plan ahead to place and prepare critical equipment for use at the point of operation.Corral required tools, parts, kits and equipment in well-stocked, well-organized, well-maintained work carts.Equip workers with tool belts, trays, bins and pouches for easy accessibility.Use rail-lock aerial accessories (tool bins, pipe racks, cradles, panel carriers, etc.) when working on scissor lifts, boom lifts or other platforms for safe, secure, fast access.Use communications technology to locate misplaced or misappropriated resources.Designate a worker to make deliveries and tools runs as needed.3) ACCURACY. Precision in quality control, inventory management, and maintenance and replacement programs is vital for preventing wasted materials and labor. Symptoms of sloppy jobsite practices include tasks that can’t be done due to damaged, defective or missing materials; rework due to poor quality or specification mismatches; “shrink” due to lost or stolen tools or inventory; breakage due to careless handling or improper use; and mistakes in ordering, stocking, storing, handling and accounting for materials.Verifying resources and quality takes attention and vigilance. These common-sense practices can bring valuable order and discipline to your jobsite:Make sure all workers have a clear project understanding, including the latest drawings, specifications and contingency plans.Lock up tools and equipment at days’ end and when not in use.Remove and replace damaged tools or materials immediately.Designate a specific person to order, inspect, label and monitor materials, especially near job’s end, to avoid leftover inventory.Are time and resources going to waste on your bsite? Command Alkon helps make fast work of unnecessary jobsite losses.To reduce the costs, risks, and waste that result from out-of-stock and over-stock situations, inefficient hauling practices, and lack of transparency, the HBM industry relies on Command Alkon’s supplyCONNECT to manage daily replenishment plans. By promoting collaboration among supply chain trading partners, supplyCONNECT saves money and time – ensuring that the right amount of inventory is delivered to the right place at the right time.
Is Your Jobsite a Wasteland? Check Out These 3.5 Ways to Reduce Waste and Costs
Command Alkon
No, I’m not talking about piles of leftover debris or even the kind of “trashy” look that’s common on construction sites. While neatness is nice, especially on a highly visible site, the waste I’m referring to is all those insidious, sometimes hidden, wastes that may not look messy but can make a real mess of budget forecasts and construction schedules.Jobsite waste – and the losses it creates – is a serious problem throughout the HBM industry. In fact, according to a 2016 McKinsey study, “Large projects across asset classes typically take 20 percent longer to finish than scheduled and are up to 80 percent over budget.”Most budget overruns are not the result of leftovers or throwaways. Most are a result of squandering 1) time, 2) motion, and/or 3) accuracy. Eliminating waste is an ongoing challenge, but these best practices can help you recognize – and correct – this resource-draining scourge:1) TIME. Wasting time is probably the most common and costly jobsite activity, especially since it’s virtually always unintentional and unobtrusive. What’s the best way to spot it? Recognize that all wait time is wasted time. Any person, place or thing that sits idle or is not ready when needed is generating waste.When workers wait on instructions or tools or equipment or approval or inspection, their time is being wasted. When tools, parts or equipment are unavailable or inoperable, time is being wasted. When one process or procedure is stalled waiting for another to be completed, valuable time is being wasted.Wasted time typically results from inadequate planning, communication or resource allocation, so invest in these time-saving, preventive measures instead:·         Begin with informed planning that includes all pertinent people. Early integration and transparent information sharing improve efficiency at every operational stage.·         Forecast construction schedules, budgets and requirements so that you can realistically anticipate tools, materials and labor.·         Create and communicate contingency plans so that the entire crew stays up to date and in sync.·         Use technology to communicate.  Radios, mobile phones, tablets and other digital tools speed communication and improve clarity.2) MOTION. Going back to the truck to grab another tool, hunting down a colleague for collaboration, moving critical materials or machinery from its current location to where it’s needed, dispatching and transporting workers, even unloading deliveries and distributing parts are all costly operations that reduce productivity. Any unnecessary or unplanned movement of people, equipment, tools or materials wastes valuable time and energy.To minimize wasted motion, use efficient workplace procedures and productivity-enhancing devices:·         Plan ahead to place and prepare critical equipment for use at the point of operation.·         Corral required tools, parts, kits and equipment in well-stocked, well-organized, well-maintained work carts. ·         Equip workers with tool belts, trays, bins and pouches for easy accessibility.·         Use rail-lock aerial accessories (tool bins, pipe racks, cradles, panel carriers, etc.) when working on scissor lifts, boom lifts or other platforms for safe, secure, fast access.·         Use communications technology to locate misplaced or misappropriated resources. ·         Designate a worker to make deliveries and tools runs as needed.3) ACCURACY. Precision in quality control, inventory management, and maintenance and replacement programs is vital for preventing wasted materials and labor. Symptoms of sloppy jobsite practices include tasks that can’t be done due to damaged, defective or missing materials; rework due to poor quality or specification mismatches; “shrink” due to lost or stolen tools or inventory; breakage due to careless handling or improper use; and mistakes in ordering, stocking, storing, handling and accounting for materials.Verifying resources and quality takes attention and vigilance. These common-sense practices can bring valuable order and discipline to your jobsite: ·         Make sure all workers have a clear project understanding, including the latest drawings, specifications and contingency plans.·         Lock up tools and equipment at days’ end and when not in use.·         Remove and replace damaged tools or materials immediately.·         Designate a specific person to order, inspect, label and monitor materials, especially near job’s end, to avoid leftover inventory.Are time and resources going to waste on your jobsite? Command Alkon helps make fast work of unnecessary jobsite losses. To reduce the costs, risks, and waste that result from out-of-stock and over-stock situations, inefficient hauling practices, and lack of transparency, the HBM industry relies on Command Alkon’s supplyCONNECT to manage daily replenishment plans. By promoting collaboration among supply chain trading partners, supplyCONNECT saves money and time – ensuring that the right amount of inventory is delivered to the right place at the right time. 
Eliminate Paper Processes so You Can Focus on What Really Matters
Command Alkon
What's All the Buzz About Electronic Tickets?Paper tickets - this has been a trending topic across the Heavy Building Materials industry for quite some time. Why? Because paper processes are entirely outdated and inefficient, and in an industry that is on-the-go, they can be a hassle to keep track of. Using paper discourages quick billing and quick driver turn around. With the use of mobile technology, drivers can now deliver electronic tickets as soon as materials are delivered. This means quicker invoicing to suppliers and enhanced partnerships. Let's Break It down for You - How Can MOBILEticket Improve Your Business?·        MOBILEticket provides paperless tickets that can’t be lost, rained on, or thrown away. The ticket is an electronic document that is distributable via email without scanning.·        MOBILEticket’s native integration with MCM’s Apex system provides seamless data routing from dispatch to the drivers.·        The intuitive workflow within MOBILEticket makes it easy to learn for new employees.·        Using tablets in their trucks, MOBILEticket can be set up and implemented quickly.Midwest Concrete Materials Sees the Advantages of Implementing MOBILEticketBeing a Command Alkon customer for years, Midwest Concrete rolled out MOBILEticket to the aggregate side of their business. The implementation and training process was straightforward as MCM was already using a number of Command Alkon products. The results of this tool were almost immediate - radio traffic decreased, driver time in the yard decreased and MCM’s internal staff were able to invoice quicker.Placing Focus on What MattersMCM’s drivers appreciate not having to contact dispatch for questions on their tickets. With the paperless tickets they no longer have to manually fill out paper tickets and they get their next ticket displayed on their tablet as soon as they submit the existing ticket. Having all the ticket information on their tablets reduces the amount of questions they have to ask dispatch and there is no risk of the ticket being lost on the jobsite. The reduction in radio traffic increases driver efficiency and allows dispatch to focus on coordinating schedules and getting orders into the system.A+ Customer Experiences and Strengthened Partnerships·The MCM internal staff has seen increased speed at which they can invoice their tickets. The MOBILEtickets are downloaded directly to their financial software and after importing, the tickets are immediately billed. This has reduced time to invoice and eliminated double data entry.Mike Sanson, IT Manager at Midwest Concrete stated, “Our trucks are more efficient, in that they have their assignments immediately upon completion of the previous order. Our drivers have the order information available at their fingertips. The drivers no longer have to fill out paper tickets, and therefore we do not have to double enter to get them into our billing system, eliminating time and mistakes. Our customers receive an email of their ticket immediately in the office alerting them that the material has been delivered, and not waiting on a worker on the job to deliver the paper ticket. Overall, this has streamlined the whole process, and MOBILEticket is a win-win for both our company and our customers.”Want to start a conversation about MOBILEticket? Click here to contact us!
Top 3 Issues That a Top-Notch Mobile Sales Solution Will Address
Command Alkon
Spend More Time in the Field Generating Business Mobile technology that allows real-time information to be collected and shared is changing the face of the construction industry. This technology is being used to track daily activities and critical information, and streamline collaboration between teams in the field and at the office. What's shaking up sales processes in the technology world? Mobile sales solutions. Many sales people love their current manual or isolated quoting processes because they’re easy and have very few constraints. However, the rest of the organization often suffers from the headaches resulting from the lack of visibility or audit trails inherent to these processes, which ultimately negatively impacts your organization’s operational stability and growth plans. If this sounds like your organization, it may be time to investigate automated solutions that are designed specifically for the Heavy Building Materials industry that can empower accurate sales forecasting and minimize quoting inaccuracies. What Can A Mobile Sales Solution Do for My Business? Three problems that a mobile sales solutions address includes: 1) Generating timely and accurate quotes: Roughly 25% of Heavy Building Materials production volume is quoted and shipped within 24 hours. Without real-time information, there is room for unintended errors to easily creep into the process; such as outdated pricing and unauthorized discounts. According to well-regarded research firms, these rebills can cost companies up to 5% of the original transaction value. Progressive Ready-Mix Producers and Bulk Material Suppliers are using mobile sales solutions to more effectively perform quoting, monitoring, and forecasting through an investment that can easily pay for itself by eliminating just a handful of credit and rebill situations. 2) Maintaining realistic pipeline estimates and forecasts: Recent research by the Aberdeen Group shows that only around 55% of companies that do not implement a best-in-class forecasting process achieve their sales quotas, compared to 97% of companies that choose to implement advanced forecasting approaches achieving theirs. With a sales solution in place that provides real-time visibility into both an accurate backlog and an accurate sales forecast, you are empowered to make decisions and adjustments that steer your organization in the right direction on a daily basis (even a hourly basis, if needed) instead of relying on a monthly snapshot of quickly outdated information.  3) Missing opportunities due to lack of visibility in the field: How often does your company miss opportunities simply because a bid date is missed?  Does each sales team member have their own approach to selling, quoting, and closing opportunities?  Is pricing consistency a problem you deal with? With a mobile sales solution designed specifically for the industry in place you can gain the visibility you need to monitor and enforce sales activities and ensure a consistent and professional buying experience to your market. MOBILEsales is Command Alkon’s mobile sales solution for the Heavy Building Materials industry. This tool helps you standardize your sales approach across your team and eliminate issues that arise from inaccuracies and inefficiencies.
Mining, Process Plant, Maintenance & Safety Training
Excellence in Mining, Process Plant, Maintenance, and Safety Training  Performance Associates International, Inc. (PAI) is the world leader in online and on-site training for the mining industry. We provide organizations with a single source for assessments, skills training, continuing education, safety training and compliance mandates, and more. Our first-class content guides your staff to gain the critical knowledge they need to work safely and efficiently today.  Our proven, leading-edge industrial training programs improve performance in existing operations and ensure success during the start-up of new operations. Our training programs have saved companies millions in personnel accident prevention, production loss, and equipment damage. We partner with our customers and consult collaboratively to provide the analysis and content development to meet your needs.  Services PAI Offers  Plant Operator Training Our three-tier concept for effective plant operator training starts with fundamental knowledge and progresses to plant-specific concepts that are reinforced through detailed animations and interactive simulations.  Maintenance Training We custom build state-of-the-art maintenance training programs using exploded graphics, explanatory text, detailed procedures, and management systems.  Mobile Equipment Operator Training Our first-class training program focuses on operator controls and indicators, safety, and performance optimization. It also includes operating, emergency, and troubleshooting procedures. Commissioning and Start-Up We can identify, track, and control the thousands of activities that must occur for the successful commissioning and start-up of a process plant. There is no shortcut to a successful start-up. Testing and Tracking Systems We can help manage and track the performance of employees to improve the overall performance of the mine and plant industrial training programs. Our testing and tracking systems provide invaluable assistance in safety and operational compliance.  Introductory and Safety Training Off-the-shelf introductory and safety training packages are an excellent source for mine and plant industrial training courses. They provide fundamental knowledge and basic training concepts. Now offering online courses! E-Learning, Animations, and Simulations Our interactive e-learning keeps trainees focused and engaged. Our experienced in-house multimedia team develops state-of-the-art graphics, virtual and mixed reality training, stunning 3D animations, and technically engineered simulations of real-world scenarios. Other Services We also provide many services relevant to planning, analyzing, and evaluating process plants, including: ·         Operations readiness plan. ·         Planning studies. ·         Quality management. ·         Systems implementation. ·         Statistical process control. ·         Reliability-based asset management. ·         Productive capacity studies. ·         Surveys and needs analyses. ·         Economic life analysis. ·         Process control strategies and methods. ·         Debottlenecking and process optimization. ·         Spare parts inventory and analysis. ·         Feasibility studies. ·         Consulting assistance. Consulting * Gap Analysis * Content Development * LMS * On-Site * Train-the-Trainer * E-Learning * Process Plant Optimization * Training * Safety * Mine Training * Plant Operator Training * Maintenance * Mobile Equipment * Competencies * Commissioning  
Training Pays: Actual vs. Projected Start-Up Results
Developing a profitable mining venture is no small matter. It requires enormous initial investments in research, construction, and equipment. But a mineral processing plant does not run itself. Even with the best equipment and good ore quality, optimal results are dependent upon keeping the process running smoothly, avoiding process upsets, maintaining process variables in the desired range, and minimizing breakdowns and downtime. A highly trained workforce is an essential element in a successful, and profitable, start-up. The knowledge and abilities of plant operators and maintenance personnel can make or break an operation. Trained operators know what to look for during preoperational and routine inspections, allowing maintenance tasks to be planned and unexpected costly breakdowns avoided. Trained operators know what variables exist at different stages in the process and how to make appropriate adjustments in real time. Trained maintenance personnel are well acquainted with the plant equipment, and maintenance planners can schedule work and maintain a spare parts inventory to minimize downtime. Additionally, new operations that train their workforce just prior to plant commissioning can utilize their operators in the commissioning process. Having been trained and gained field experience through plant commissioning, operators are ready to hit the ground running once feed is introduced. A faster ramp-up means more earnings, more quickly. The cost of developing a proper training program is a small percentage of the overall engineering, procurement, and construction budget but it constitutes a large percentage of the gains realized from a successful start-up and ramp-up to full production. Performance Associates International (PAI) has designed and presented custom training programs for operators and maintenance personnel in metallurgical plants around the world for over 35 years. We are proud to have been part of the successful start-ups at Lundin Mining’s Eagle Mine, Vale’s Voisey’s Bay project, and Torex Gold’s El Limon-Guajes project. Click Download to view the actual vs. projected start-up results from these three metallurgical plants that made use of PAI’s custom-built training programs and on-site training.
With reference to greenfield plant projects, using process simulators similar to the designed plant Human-Machine Interface (HMI) or Distributed Control System (DCS) has become common practice. These simulators represent a “virtual plant” based on process modeling of the circuit chemistry and thermodynamics, and on the physical nature of the plant, including equipment, valves, piping, etc. The virtual plant allows trainees to troubleshoot problems, optimize process variables, react to alarms, etc., all based on the process simulation model. Performance Associates’ experience is that this complex simulator training is valuable, but only after more in-depth training on the process and control logic. To truly optimize a process plant, prior to simulator training, the control room operators must have detailed knowledge of the following:  Process objective of each process system, comprising a group of unit operations.  Process objective of each unit operation.  Process chemistry and the variables affecting it.  Important characteristics of each unit operation, the variables affecting it, and the impact on downstream unit operations.  Plant control loops, interlocks, and alarms.  Safety issues related to the process and control schemes.  Operating procedures for start-up and shutdown under various scenarios, as well as important operator tasks. Additionally, trainees must be intimately familiar with the applicable fundamental scientific concepts, such as pressure, temperature, heat exchangers, electricity, PID control logic, combustion, etc. With this fundamental and plant-specific foundation, the process simulator can be fully exploited for training.
Process Control Training—Simulators Are Only Half the Story
With reference to greenfield plant projects, using process simulators similar to the designed plant Human-Machine Interface (HMI) or Distributed Control System (DCS) has become common practice. These simulators represent a “virtual plant” based on process modeling of the circuit chemistry and thermodynamics, and on the physical nature of the plant, including equipment, valves, piping, etc. The virtual plant allows trainees to troubleshoot problems, optimize process variables, react to alarms, etc., all based on the process simulation model.  Performance Associates’ experience is that this complex simulator training is valuable, but only after more in-depth training on the process and control logic. To truly optimize a process plant, prior to simulator training, the control room operators must have detailed knowledge of the following:Process objective of each process system, comprising a group of unit operations.Process objective of each unit operation.Process chemistry and the variables affecting it.Important characteristics of each unit operation, the variables affecting it, and the impact on downstream unit operations.Plant control loops, interlocks, and alarms.Safety issues related to the process and control schemes.Operating procedures for start-up and shutdown under various scenarios, as well as important operator tasks.Additionally, trainees must be intimately familiar with the applicable fundamental scientific concepts, such as pressure, temperature, heat exchangers, electricity, PID control logic, combustion, etc. With this fundamental and plant-specific foundation, the process simulator can be fully exploited for training.